Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July.

Today was alright. I talked to Danny for a while and then we went swimming. We didn't end up actually swimming because the pool was all murky and nasty looking. It happened to be cloudy and kind of windy so that didn't help either, we just sat in the pool for like...20 minutes and got out.

We then went back in and I painted my nails while Danny basically just sat and watched. I was in a hurry because I didn't want to upset him, we ended up going to the store to get some rubbing alcohol for my ears.

My dad wanted to leave for the fireworks by 4 but I was at the store til 4:05ish, then as we were walking back to my house we saw my dad and Karlee and Drew leaving the gate, I asked if I could run and put a few things in the house and they just ended up waiting for me.

Danny went home and played games, and we got to the firework area HOURS early...we just hung out on the little lawn area at the University of Redlands, we decided it was too expensive to pay $10 a person to get into the stadium. According to my dad they had some country band playing but he has no idea who it was...I'm hoping it wasn't a well known band or I'll be sad I missed out!

It was pretty dang hot so I just sat with Karlee on the blanket while my dad and Drew played frisbee. There were tons of other people there kicking balls around and throwing footballs and such. Karlee was OBSESSED with me taking pictures of her, she kept posing and being a complete goof, it was hilarious.

It ended up getting realyl cloudy and then we saw a military jet or whatever it is fly by, and soon after we saw people skydiving onto the stadium even though we weren't in the stadium. It was actually pretty cool.

Finally after hours of waiting we got to see the fireworks. They were average BUT the finale was fantastic. I would barely look because it was so bright and even Drew had to cover his ears because it was SO loud, but still very cool.

After that we left and of course hit nasty traffic, the guy difrecting the traffic kept forgetting about our side of the road so we got skipped like...3 times and had to wait for EVER to move, then he stopped us right as we were abotu to turn so we had to wait another cycle of sitting and being forgotten about.

On the way home we tried finding a place or in our case places to eat. I wanted Del Taco, Drew wanted Wendy's, Karlee didn't care, and my dad didn't care either. My dad wanted to hit Inn N Out Burger but I didn't feel like having it so we tried to find something else. I for some reason said "THERE'S A CARL'S JR! RIGHT THERE!" and my dad thought I wanted that when I thought they wanted that. So he asked what I wanted and I told him "umm, I don't want Carls Jr..." and he sort of got annoyed but whatever, so he got a Western Bacon Cheeseburger and Drew got a chocolate shake. We ended up just going to the Del Taco near my house & since there wasn't a Wendy's nearby, Drew settled for 2 plain tacos. (by plain, I mean meat and tortilla, lol).

We finally got home, and the rest was history.

Happy Belated 4th of July.

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