Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Yeah, I am really slacking on this whole blogging thing.
I don't remember most of the month but I'll let you in on what I do know...LOL.

So, Sunday we went to Disneyland, it was actually not too crowded...that's especially WEIRD because it was the 56th anniversary. I think I blame the Carmageddon, even the lady sitting with us in Mickey's Terror Fun Wheel said the same thing.
It wasn't overly hot either, which is a shocker since's July. In Southern California. Need I say more? I WAS hot but not too hot.

I made a deal with my dad that if he drove he could leave me and Karlee here to go up to Drew's camp for a few days. So, we started our day off at ...well I started my day off at 4:30 (couldn't sleep) and everyone else started their day off at around 6:00 am. My dad was angry that I didn't wake him up (he had his alarm going and never even said he'd like to be woken up lololol -.-). So he gets up and yells at me because supposedly I told him we were leaving at 6 when in reality I made it clear we were "getting up"(not in my case!) at 6. So he's yelling about how he has to go to church to pay for scouts and all this's like why agree to take me somwhere if you haev all this crap to do? And better yet...why not warn me first so I can make plans accordingly? Anyways...we finally left at about 6:20 and he told me to have Danny waiting to go. So I tell him and my dad decides to get gas first because "It'll only take 5 minutes" HA! It took almost a half hour!!!

So then after we get Danny I ask my dad to not let Drew & friend into my room while I'm gone because I don't feel comfortable with them in there while I'm not there. He says Drew's allowed to go in there and get HIS geckos...HA! That's the best/worst joke I've ever heard! My dad told me in the pastthat HE paid for the geckos and for most of their tank, and he pays for their food, too. Sooo...when I said they are in fact, NOT Drew's, because Drew doesn't take care of them, he starts screaming at me telling me that they're Drew's because Drew "paid" for them and all their stuff...which is another hilarious joke since I pay for almost all the stuff they have minus $1 crickets. I take care of them, give them attention, clean up after them, know when it's time for a vet visit...what do they do? Well, my dad buys a bag of crickets for a buck, and Drew does...well, nothing.

So anyways, he's sitting there telling me to get off my soapbox and if I want to take him to court I can (wtf?). I just stop talking and it's silent most of the ride. Wil then gets in the car and we start talking (not my dad though). It was a long and boring drive up there and I had to pee of course but I was too scared to ask my dad to stop at a McDonald's or something so I suffered the 2 hour drive.

We FINALLY got to Disneyland and started off with getting a Space Mountain fastpass, then Danny and Wil decided we should go on Autopia because it was close and the line was short (zZzZz). So as we're walking out of Autopia this bird comes flying at Wil and barely misses him all while making some weird bird noise. It was hilarious.

Then we make our way over to other parts of the park and go on the rides. We ended up doing, Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain, the Jungle Cruise, Winnie the Pooh, Indiana Jones, Autopia, and probably something else I can't remember all before lunch. For lunch we ended up hitting McDonald's across the street so that the wallets didn't have big gaping holes in them from eating at the park. I took some excedrin and felt 100 times better and then we headed over to DCA.

I have to say that I do NOT enjoy the new entrance to DCA. It's just...ugly...I don't get why they had to change something perfectly fine but meh.

So we headed in and got in the huge line for Grizzly River rapids, we got drenched which is okay because it was hot out anyways. We ended up getting on the Little Mermaid, Soarin' Over California, Toystory Midway Mania, Jumpin Jellyfish which by the way is scary as crap, and a few others. They dragged me on the Silly Symphony Swings which I thought would be terrible and it absolutely  WASN'T! I loved it! I made sure I got a swing on the inside though so that it wouldn't take me too high, and it worked out well. We got a fastpass for Goofy's Sky School and it ended up being closed x.x They then dragged me on the Ferris Wheel, and this was a complete mistake. I KNEW it was going to be awful because I've been on it before, but to top it off, they wanted to go on the swinging gondolas! Oh joy!

So, we're sitting there waiting in line and I'm looking at the dang thing and panicking not knowing what the eff I'm going to do when it's our turn, let me tell you, I was, we get on, and it's just us at first and then a little girl and her grandmother get on. My friend Wil was like "she's a little nervous"(HA, what an understatement), and the lady looks at me and then looks at her granddaughter and goes "maybe she will be a little bit of inspiration". Um, wrong, if we fly off the ferris wheel, a little girl being on there will NOT save me! Not only that, but she does not take away the feeling of dread when I'm up high...NOR does she take away the horrible "swinging" feeling. More like being thrown...
So anyways, we start going up and I'm freaking out just because it's so high (it wasn't that high...yet, but to me it was high enough!). The swinging was very gentle, I almost thought maybe it wasn't as bad as I remembered it, I sort of relaxed and just covered my eyes until we got closer to the ground. When we went back up for the second round, that's when things got nasty. THE FREAKING CART FELT LIKE IT WAS BEING THROWN....THROWN!!! back and forth, I can't even describe the feeling but it made me FLIP. I knew then that I had remembered correctly, and there WAS reason to be terrified! There's nothing like being many feet in the air, in a cage, being thrown, and continuously facing the ground/sky. I could hear people in other carts screaming and I would have been one of them had we not had complete strangers with us. Instead, I buried my head in Danny's armpit and held on to his jeans for dear life. Before I knew it, I opened my eyes and a bunch of people are staring at me's over! The dude working on it jokingly asked if we wanted to go again, the lady in the cart said something along the lines of "I think someone would not agree with that offer!" And she was right. Oh my goodness...the ground, I had never been so happy to see the beloved floor... I got off kind of dizzy and in the midst of a mini panic attack, so I decided to sit and take a break for a bit.

Danny even admitted that he didn't think he'd ever do that ride again, LOL. Trust me, I know when a ride is scary.

My break was cut short when we realized they were closing up the Paradise Pier rides in preparation for the nightly world of color shows. We hadn't gone on the roller coaster yet so we decided to jump in line quickly. It was tons of fun, so much fun, that we decided to go a second time. This time it gave Danny a headache so we ended up on Flik's flyers, and luckly, we had no time for Tower of Terror!

We walked over to "ElecTRONica" and went on Monster's Inc. which is in the midst of this little Disney outdoor version of a nightclub. We danced a bit while walking and ended up back in Disneyland within 10 minutes.

Danny had been hearing about these supposed amazing corndogs they have, so we asked a vendor and made our way over through all the people getting ready for the fireworks. We grabbed the corn dogs and ran and I mean we literally ran...across the park to Fantasyland to see the fireworks since we didn't want to be crowded in front of the castle. We watched them while we ate and then decided to do a few more rides before we went home. We never did get to go on Star Tours and we didn't do anymore big rides, we did some kiddie ones, and did Autopia one last time and decided to go look at souvenirs. I don't really care to write about that experience so I will leave it at that.

We ran out to my dad who just absolutely needed to be out of there by midnight and we were on our way. I stayed up the entire ride with my dad while Danny and Wil slept.When we got home, of course, I find my door is open, my room is ransacked...and of course no one knows who did it...please.
Anyway...I had a lot of fun on the trip and I really would like to go back! Soon. :D

NO THIS IS NOT ME, Mickey's "Fun" Wheel, enjoy:

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